Die 1.Mannschaft beendet die Quali nach dem 16:3-Sieg gegen die Biel Skater 90 auf dem 3.Rang. In den Aufstiegsplay-Offs treffen sie nun auf La Roche, die in der anderen Gruppe zweite wurden. Die genauen Spielzeiten werden noch bekannt gegeben.
Einen weiteren Sieg (10:5) holten die Novizen auswärts gegen Wiggertal United und bleiben weiter ungeschlagen. Am kommenden Sonntag werden sie dann zu Hause die Quali abschliessen bevor dann Mitte Oktober das Finalturnier ansteht.
30. Januar 2017 @ 9:19
Phillip,It was so lovely to talk to you this evening! I adore your store and have already called my stepmother (one of my gardening inporiatisns) and told her that she *must* drive out here and go see it with me.I can’t wait to bring my husband back. Hope to see you again!Anya
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24. April 2017 @ 18:48
July 4, 2012 Boats is usually booked as well as wedding party is celebrated within the boats moving over Seine Stream. Construction materials such as doors and windows can as well serve the intended purpose as the new ones provided they are reconditioned. It’s pretty simple.
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24. Mai 2017 @ 12:54
Oi Anna Maria, obrigado! Venha visitar o Blog de vez em quando ou assine o Feed por e-mail, na página inicial do lado direito no topo, para você receber o boletim de atualização por e-mail. Terei novas postagens em breve. Um grande abraço.